I’m going to be one of the speakers at next week’s Probate Law 2015 Seminar. The organizers have put together a great program. If you’re able to attend, you should. It’ll be time well spent. For a link to the seminar registration form, click here.

Here’s the official seminar summary:

This seminar is intended to provide practitioners with real life insight in handling challenging issues that arise in the course of a Florida probate proceeding. Speakers will focus on dealing with digital assets and the impact of mobile device technology on probate practice, the effect of a party’s death during the course of litigation, and recent developments in the law governing attorneys’ fees and personal representative commissions. Other topics include a primer on statutory entitlements under the Florida Probate Code, a beginner’s field guide to jurisdictional issues in trust and estate proceedings, as well as a session on the complex probate issues that can arise when dealing with modern families. The seminar also includes the always popular probate case law, rules, and legislative update, along with a presentation on the ethical dilemmas faced by fiduciaries and probate practitioners.