In an interesting fusion of technology and food, a company called eatNgage is offering users the opportunity to participate in virtual lunch meetings with groups of staff, clients, colleagues or others.

The rationale? People are more likely to look forward to, and show up for, a meeting that involves a meal than one that takes place during traditional working hours. eatNgage reports that to date, those who have used their service have an average of three times better attendance than they previously experienced.

We partner with many restaurants and users can order food through our platform. We also replaced the pricing with a ‘budget bar’ that the host can set. People joining meetings can order food without worrying about costs, creating a more carefree, friendly meeting environment. – Rachel Yelin, VP of product development, eatNgage

Based in Huston, TX, eatNgage can be used to host small gatherings as well as ones involving many attendees and different organizations. The service was created when eatNgage combined its lunch meeting platform with Zoom, which specializes in video conferencing, using Zoom’s application programming interface (API).

The company cleverly offers to tell you more about its platform… over a virtual lunch.

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